June 13/14, 2015
READ Revelation 4:1-11
Worship = the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity
There's so much in this passage that is worthy of our adoration, and there are others in this scripture who are also worshiping God. FIND the phrases that create a feeling of true awe in you, and SPEND some time discussing them. What surprises you, scares you, inspires you?
- Do you believe God is in need of your worship?
- Do you expect God to reveal himself during worship?
- How often are you in awe of God?
- How enthusiastic are you in your participation and adoration?
- What is God revealing about Himself that is worth your worship?
- Do you expect to be transformed as you respond to God?
- How have you been transformed during worship?
READ Revelation 1:9-18
What are we to do when Jesus shows up? In this passage, Paul fell at the feet of Jesus as if he was dead. This is easy to imagine for those of us who are aware of the dark places in our hearts. How can we even be worthy to be in His holy presence? But Jesus says, "Fear not." What would you be most fearful of if you were face-to-face with Jesus?
So, what is Revelation really about? Often it's seen as the story of the end of the world, the great apocalypse. At least, that's what people focus on. But LOOK deeper. Isn't it really about God's grand plan? Throughout the millenia, people have chosen the depths of depravity rather than God. Even so, He has this beautiful design to introduce Himself to people one-by-one beginning as early as Adam and Eve but then again with Abraham and the Israelites and ending with Jesus' revelation. We have a picture of who Jesus is in the Gospels, but even the disciples didn't fully understand Him and they were in His presence. We get a glimpse of who He is in Revelation, but we cannot comprehend who He truly is. How can we really understand that He's the first and the last, that He's eternal, and He has full control over life and death? We may always be in a place of discovery of who Jesus is, this God without edges or limits. And THAT, my friend, is worth our continual adoration. Our fully participating, soul expanding, sacrificial, transformational worship.
This sort of worship flows out of us. We can't hold it in because of the enormity of it all. We become good people from whom good things naturally flow. We LIVE worship when God is central in our lives, when love and truth and His word and His mercy all reign in our souls. These things reflect the nature and character of Jesus as we take steps to know and become like Jesus.
REFLECT on where you're at in your worship. CONSIDER how your life reflects how you keep God at the center of your life. SHARE with others in your group. CELEBRATE where you're at on your journey of worship...the steps you've taken so far really mean something. ASK for feedback on what you may be able to do to take another step in your worship of God.