Sunday, February 22, 2015

Soul Talk - The Language of Your Soul

February 21/22, 2015

contemplative prayer
This week we want to focus on the practice of contemplative prayer. This type of prayer is about being with God. Just as we can be comforted in the presence of friends, so it is being in the presence of God.

Here are the guidelines:

  1. Choose a scripture or prayer to focus your attention on. Imagine your prayer as an invitation for God’s presence to be with you all day. You’re opening the door of your whole day to God.
  2. Sit comfortably for a couple minutes with your eyes closed, settling into silence, taking a few deep breaths, and then turn your attention to your scripture or prayer.
  3. As your group begins reading, engage with your thoughts, body sensations, feelings, images, and reflections. Don’t be discouraged by distractions. They are like clouds floating by. God will bring to mind later on anything that’s important to your life.
  4. At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
Feel free to use one of the prayers listed, the scriptures from your outline in the program, or choose another scripture or prayer that’s meaningful to your group. If this is new to you, it’s going to be uncomfortable at first. But the more you train your soul in this type of prayer, the more you’ll come to enjoy and cherish your time with God.

the gloria
Glory to God in the highest. 
And on earth peace to men of good will.    
We praise You. 
We bless You. 
We adore You. 
We glorify You.                  
We give You thanks for Your great glory.                                                          
O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty.                                    
O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son.                                                      
O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father:                                               
You Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.                  
You Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer.                 
You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.                
For You alone are holy. 
You alone are the Lord.                                          
You alone, O Jesus Christ, are the most high.                                             
Together with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. 

the Lords prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. Amen.

the welcoming prayer
                        (by Father Thomas Keating)
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I welcome everything that comes to me today
   because I know it’s for my healing.
I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons,
   situations, and conditions.
I let go of my desire for power and control.
I let go of my desire for a affection, esteem, approval and pleasure.
I let go of my desire for survival and security.
I let go of my desire to change any situation,
   condition, person or myself.
I open to the love and presence of God and
   God’s action within me. Amen.

next steps
Join us in prayer February 22 @6pm in the Fireside Room at JW.

Also, if you attend a Sunday morning worship service, would you and your group pray and consider moving as a group to a Saturday night service? You could help those who are new to JW by opening up seats during the busiest times.
Spend some time praying as a group. 
Choose a time each day to sit with God in contemplative prayer. Put it on your calendar.

Further reading:
   Prayer – Richard Foster
   The Good and Beautiful Life – James Bryan Smith
   Invitation to Solitude and Silence:
     Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence – Ruth H. Barton

Attend "Discover Your Design" at Camille's on Wednesday, March 18 @6:30pm to find how God designed you to help others.

Invite a friend to church.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Soul Talk - Remember You Are Dust

February 14/15, 2015

read psalm 103

For He knows how we are formed, 
   He remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:14

Regularly remembering that God is God and you are not allows you to live in God's love and freedom as you learn to rely on Him day to day. He has a specific plan designed around your limitations. When you try to live outside of those plans, you’ll find yourself angry, bitter, jealous and exhausted. You can take it one step further and say that you need to live within your family’s limitations. Free your family to be who God designed you to be.

learning to live as dust . . .
1. What are your/family limitations? 
  • How much sleep do you need? 
  • Do you have special health needs? Do you get enough exercise and eat well?
  • Do you have people you can ask for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed? 
  • Do you take on too much responsibility? Not enough responsibility?
  • Have you discovered the things that feed your soul? 
2. Do you recognize your mortality?
  • In reading Psalm 103, what can you find in this Psalm about your mortality and how it fits into God’s plan? 
  • How can it be a gift to you?
3. Have you accepted the love of YHWH, the Creator?
Many of us have been deeply hurt by life, by others, and maybe you even feel you’ve been hurt by God. Sometimes it’s hard to accept God’s love for us. But when we have a true heart level understanding of the depth of love He has for us, it’s transformational. 
  • What does Psalm 103 say about God’s love for you? 
  • Are you in need of a heart level transformation? 
Take some time to PRAY together for God to come and speak to your heart of His love and mercy and freedom. SHARE God's love with those in your small group by telling them what you appreciate about them.
4. Awaken to who you were made to be
READ through Psalm 103 and find who you were made to be. For example, in the first few verses you can see that you were made to be healed and redeemed and renewed. PRAY together for God to open your eyes to who you were meant to be. THINK about how He created you and the gifts He’s given you. 
  • How can all of these things, even your limitations, work together for His benefit and yours? 
  • How can your design as a family be of benefit? 
  • How can your design as a small group help others and help each other?

next steps
Join us in prayer beginning February 17 @6pm in the Fireside Room at JW.

Also, if you attend a Sunday morning worship service, would you and your group pray and consider moving as a group to a Saturday night service? You could help those who are new to JW by opening up seats during the busiest times.
Spend some time praying as a group. 
Choose one practical aspect of limitation you will start embracing.

Further reading:
   Prayer – Richard Foster
   The Good and Beautiful Life – James Bryan Smith
   Invitation to Solitude and Silence:
     Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence – Ruth H. Barton

Attend "Discover Your Design" at Camille's on Wednesday, March 18 @6:30pm to find how God designed you to help others.

Consider attending the BFC informational meeting on Saturday, February 21 @4pm in the Prayer Room. Contact Rick Podolak at 715.271.6944 or

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Soul Talk - The Gift of the Gray

February 7/8, 2015

read psalm 6:1-7

Many times, we don’t see depression coming. It may start out with, “I’m having a bad day,” and then it’s, “I’m having a bad week.” The next thing you know, it’s a season of melancholy that we just can’t seem to pull ourselves out of. Health factors, life circumstances, relationship disputes can all contribute to a season of anxiety and depression. Addictions often begin as a way to cope with anxiety and inevitably dig us deeper into a pit. “How long?” can easily turn into overwhelming anxiety and deep depression.

Take an inventory of your life to see how anxiety is impacting you. Which of the following list has affected you in the past year? (For a more comprehensive gauge, check out the Holmes and Rahe Scale here.) Keep in mind, the purpose of the inventory isn’t to make you anxious about your anxiety, it’s simply an indicator of where you’re at. If you’ve been impacted by several things this past year, you have a right to be anxious. It’s normal.  Giving yourself permission to have anxiety and melancholy can be a great relief and can free you from the anxiety loop. 

Talk with your small group. Share where you’re at. Have compassion on others who may be struggling too.
  • Uncertainty 
  • Past Pain—PTS
  • Change 
  • Failure
  • Loss 
  • Success (Reward of Success)
  • Relationship 
  • Conflict    
  • Busyness 
  • Family of Origin (Learned Behavior)
  • The Straw - A Seeming Little Thing

 anxiety & melancholy myths
~   Anxiety is a sin
~   There is nothing to fear
~   A Christian should live without anxiety
~   There is nothing I can do to overcome anxiety
Think about the melancholy myths from your outline. Discuss with your group about the ones you believe or you’ve believed in the past? Which bother you? 

read psalm 77:1-12

anxiety & melancholy truths
~   Anxiety is a gift from God
~   God is with us in a dangerous world
~   Anxiety has a role in our life
~   We can talk to our souls and our souls can talk to God
How can anxiety be seen as a gift? Where do you see God’s presence in your struggle? What role do you think anxiety may be playing in your own life? What can you say to your soul about your feelings? Pray as a group about where you’re at on your journey with anxiety and what you’ve learned this week. It’s ok if you ramble a bit. Honesty is more important than clarity right now.

next steps ~ further reading
Prayer – Richard Foster
The Good and Beautiful Life – James Bryan Smith
Invitation to Solitude and Silence:
     Experiencing God’s Transforming Presence – Ruth H. Barton