read matthew 16:26
a familiar question
Ownership is an issue of our soul’s wellbeing.
Ownership is an issue of our soul’s wellbeing.
- How do you feel your soul has been affected by the things you feel you own?
- To what things or desires does your soul cling? Is it power? Wealth? Status? Personal safety?
- What will you gain if you continue to cling to those things? What will you lose?
read mark 14:10-11
the owners
the owners
As an owner, Judas was looking out for Judas and didn’t take into account that his choices would affect the whole nation of Israel. What does this passage reveal to you about how being an owner can change how your life impacts the world around you? Your community? Your church? Your family?
read mark 14:6-9
the stewards: the woman
The woman in this story was willing to go beyond accepted behavior and custom to bless Jesus. She was a steward of the expensive oil and wanted to give to Jesus in an extravagant way.
The woman in this story was willing to go beyond accepted behavior and custom to bless Jesus. She was a steward of the expensive oil and wanted to give to Jesus in an extravagant way.
- What was her motivation in doing what she did? Do you think she thought twice about what she was doing?
- What spoke to you about the way Jesus responded to those who were rebuking her?
- Why was Jesus so pleased with her gift?
the stewards: Jesus
“The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” ~Mark 14:21
“You will all fall away” Jesus told them, “For it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ ” ~Mark 14:27
“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” ~Mark 14:36
But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. ~Mark 14:61a
But Jesus made no reply, and Pilate was amazed. ~Mark 15:5
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. ~Mark 15:37
Jesus gave complete control of His life to God. FIND the words in these passages where Jesus submitted to the will of His Father. NOTICE how Jesus remained silent or made no reply. What would your response be if you were in His position? How do His responses challenge you to give God complete control and be the owner of your life?
stewards & owners
Over the past few weeks, in what ways do you feel you've changed your thoughts from being an owner to being a steward? DISCUSS with your group.
Over the past few weeks, in what ways do you feel you've changed your thoughts from being an owner to being a steward? DISCUSS with your group.
next steps
"What Now My Soul?" Join us in prayer March 31 @6pm in the Fireside Room at JW.
Good Friday Services
5:30pm & 7pm in the auditorium
Easter Weekend Services
auditorium Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am
north venue Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am
Summer softball teams are now forming, both co-ed and men's teams. Call Tony Engedal at 715.559.9548 or email him at to find more info about spring practice and summer games.
Summer softball teams are now forming, both co-ed and men's teams. Call Tony Engedal at 715.559.9548 or email him at to find more info about spring practice and summer games.
Further reading:
Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller
Contagious Generosity by Barry L. Cameron
Contagious Generosity by Barry L. Cameron
Soul Care is a short-term group meeting March 31 @7pm after prayer and continuing for the next few weeks on Tuesday evenings. Discover practical aspects of caring for your soul. Come as a group as a way to join each other on the journey.
Invest nine weeks to learn God’s way of handling money through a Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University group. Whether you are completely upside down in debt or just want to be the best steward of the finances God has provided for you, FPU is a Biblically-based and proven plan that will set you up for success! Starts Tuesday, March 31, 6:30-9pm at Jacob’s Well. Sign-up at the Welcome Center or online at
Got questions? Call the leader, Todd Hornquist at 608.879.0116 or email him at
Our view of God shapes how we live, whether we're aware of it or not. THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL GOD group will help us trade in our false views of God for true ones and give us practical tools for becoming more like Jesus. Starts April 2 @6:30pm at JW. Call Marty & Carol Schultz for more info at 715.382.4530 or email them at
Milestones coming up:
- The Sex and Dating Milestone class will equip parents of middle school students to help their students navigate the world of sex and dating. If this is something you're interested in or know of other parents who this may affect, join us Satuday, April 11 @5pm in the North Venue. Call or email Paul Behnke at 715.833.2050 or
- Our next Family Dedication Milestone class is Saturday, April 18 @5pm in the North Venue. Parents will be encouraged and resourced as they prepare for the dedication services on April 25/26. Sign up at the Welcome Center, or Erika can answer any questions you may have at 715.833.2050 or
New to Jacob’s Well? Never attended this Lunch with the Pastors before? This is your next step! Join us Sunday, April 12 @12:15pm in Room 223 to learn more about Jacob’s Well, get answers to your questions, meet the pastors and staff, and enjoy some good food together. Bring the kids! No need to sign up. Just show up!
Are you interested in serving but don't know where to start? Try out one of the many positions available on Easter weekend. To have a deeper conversation about the different options available, email Laura Garry, Serve Director at JW at
Are you interested in serving but don't know where to start? Try out one of the many positions available on Easter weekend. To have a deeper conversation about the different options available, email Laura Garry, Serve Director at JW at
Know someone who's loves technology? Invite them to serve on the JW Tech Team as a camera or media operator or sound tech. Contact Syd at 715.833.2050 or
JW is hosting the Empowered To Connect Simulcast — a two-day conference equipping you to connect with and help children become all that God desires them to be. Join us April 10/11 from 9am-5pm each day in the North Venue. Registration is $5 and is available up until the event. Sign up at the welcome center or online at