If you're a parent, did you truly understand what you were getting into when you're first child was born? The depth of love that surfaces when holding your child for the first time. The total inadequacy in caring for your little one who can't tell you exactly what's bothering him/her and only cries for help. Then there are the late nights, never ending diapers, exhaustion, tag team dinners, potty training, the stomach flu, and so many other challenges. Not to mention experiencing life for the first time again through the eyes of your child, thousands of hugs, playtime, cuddling. Joy. Laughter. And always the love that spontaneously erupts like a geyser that surprises us and takes our breath away.
Kids grow up though and begin to pull away from us. That's totally normal and how God designed us. Most come through adolescence with a few scars from friends or poor choices. But some kids have medical issues that are overwhelming. And then there are kids who've made seriously bad choices with seriously bad consequences. And sometimes there are kids who seem to walk away from their faith. It breaks your heart, and sometimes even stops your world. How do you get through those times? Those terrifying turbulent waters?
READ John 17; Acts 2:42
The Trinity is all about relationship and the unity of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The relational makeup of God Himself provides an example of how we are to be in relationship with Him and with others. He invites us, all together, to be in community with Him. This community becomes our anchor in the storms of life. DISCUSS with your group how community has been helpful to you in hard times. Who was there to give you encouragement? Who was praying for you? Who helped you keep your head above water? How have you been a source of strength for your friends and family?
TALK about how you've communicated through the turbulent waters of parenting. Did you talk to God about what you're going through? Did you go it alone? Did you isolate yourself? Did you try to educate yourself or see these challenges from another person's perspective? Did you open up to those closest to you? Your spouse? Your kids? Did you find friends to lean on and get insight from? THINK about how you responded to adversity.
READ John 16:33
There's something comforting and disconcerting both about this verse. We hear from God that we WILL have trouble. *sigh* And at the same time He shares His peace with us. We are to take heart, to have courage, and in those words we find comfort. SPEND some time talking about your fears. Are you afraid of the future? Of failure? Of weakness?
Christ's strength comes in acknowledging Him as our leader. Whew! We don't have to carry the responsibility of our kids alone! We also get strength by staying in the scriptures and in prayer. Again, this goes back to being in community with God. He is more than willing to impart His wisdom and peace. There's also strength in loving others as God loves. We can find joy in taking our focus off of our situations and helping those in need. REFLECT on how you've found strength in Christ during times of trouble. SHARE with your small group. Maybe something that's worked for you will inspire others.
READ Luke 22:31-32
What are your first thoughts about this passage? PICK it apart, phrase by phrase, and consider what it means for your own families. PRAY together for your family members in a strategic and specific way.