These days we hear a lot of, "Hey, if they're not bothering anyone, who cares?" There's an underlying assumption in this question that something right or wrong is going on. Who gets to choose what's right or wrong? Do you believe there is right and wrong? Is it all relative to each individual, "To each his own," as they say? TALK in your group about some of the things you may run across in your conversations with friends and family. Have you ever had discussions get really heated? Why do you think that is?
What are your thoughts about the following sequence? Does this make sense to you?
~ Ideas are foundational
~ Ideas become beliefs
~ Beliefs determine actions
~ Actions have consequences
read 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
What does this passage say about wisdom? Is wisdom the same as right/not wrong? the same as truth? the same as common sense? In this passage, who owns wisdom and who doesn't? What else can we learn in this passage about wisdom?
As Christians, we should believe the truth that defines right and wrong is found in the nature and character of God as revealed in Jesus Christ as described in the Bible. But let's be honest, not all of us are at this point yet. Many of us grew up in a faith tradition that didn't value the Bible as the basis of truth, but made the Church the basis. And some of us haven't had any faith background at all. It takes time to learn/relearn and experience all of this for ourselves. DISCUSS with each other what your background is.
read Hebrews 1:1-3
Jesus was a servant, faithful, and compassionate. He is the example of how we should live. The action of Jesus’ love for us was to die on the cross for our sins. The consequence of that action is that we can be forgiven and have eternal life. ASK yourself, honestly, what ideas about Jesus have become beliefs and actions in your life? How does the example He provides affect your life in the day to day, even when you're tired or frustrated? LIST some of the ways that you've been able to live out the example set by Jesus. CELEBRATE the positive ways that Jesus has transformed your beliefs and behaviors.
read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
How does the Bible play a role in your life? What ideas or beliefs do you have about it? What's hard to understand about the Bible? Have you ever changed a belief or behavior because of an example set in the Bible?
DISCUSS with your group something has has challenged your thinking this week.
next steps
PRAY: Thank you God that I don't have to be washed away by the storm. You give me solid ground to stand on when the storm comes. Help my heart to become more trustful of Your character, Your Word, and Jesus. Teach me Your wisdom this week, and provide me with opportunities to practice my beliefs. Amen
Summer softball teams are now forming, both co-ed and men's teams. Call Tony Engedal at 715.559.9548 or email him at to find more info about spring practice and summer games.
Summer softball teams are now forming, both co-ed and men's teams. Call Tony Engedal at 715.559.9548 or email him at to find more info about spring practice and summer games.
Our view of God shapes how we live, whether we're aware of it or not. THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL GOD group will help us trade in our false views of God for true ones and give us practical tools for becoming more like Jesus. This group meets Thursdays @6:30pm at JW. Call Marty & Carol Schultz for more info at 715.382.4530 or email them at
Our next Family Dedication Milestone class is Saturday, April 18 @5pm in the North Venue. Parents will be encouraged and resourced as they prepare for the dedication services on April 25/26. Sign up at the Welcome Center, or Erika can answer any questions you may have at 715.833.2050 or
Know someone who's loves technology? Invite them to serve on the JW Tech Team as a camera or media operator or sound tech. Contact Syd at 715.833.2050 or
Builders for Christ summer work trips are coming up soon. If this is something you’re interested in, there’s a planning meeting Saturday, April 25 in the Prayer Room at JW from 4-5pm. Email Rick Podolak at as soon as possible with any questions you may have. In the subject line write "interested in BFC."
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