Sunday, May 31, 2015

As You Go: Your Story

May 30/31, 2015

READ Acts 26:12-29
Saul turned Paul has one of the most powerful stories in the Bible. 
  • What are the points of Paul's story that you find most compelling? 
  • Do you feel that you need to be speaking to kings to make a difference? 
  • Would you agree or disagree that through the lens of Paul's transformation, there's hope for all of us to become more like Jesus as we go? 
SHARE with each other a story from the Bible that means a lot to you. What is it about this story that touches you? What have you learned as you've spent time contemplating this story? What makes you passionate about it?

What about your story? How does that fit into God's story? Can you define your story and explain it simply? Maybe it's time to come to know your own story. CHECK out the next steps below for some ideas. HELP each other fine tune your stories.

What about other people's stories? How do their stories intersect with your story and with God's story? Often, the best way to share our story with others is to listen first to their story. Are you intentional about building relationships and getting to know a person? Do you seek to LISTEN and ASK good questions to clarify and draw out a person's story? 

How do you LIVE OUT your story as a way of sharing with others? Are you aware of those people God places in your life each day who need to see Jesus? 
  • SPEND TIME with your small group sharing your story.
  • SHARE with your group how your story has intersected with another person's story. CELEBRATE those moments God has brought you together for His purposes. 
  • MAKE A LIST of people in your lives who need to hear God's story. TAKE this list with you this week to continue praying for people as they journey. 
  • PRAY Colossians 4:2-6 together.
  • PRAY for opportunities to share with others.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

As You Go: The Power of Story

May 23/24, 2015

READ Matthew 5:13-16
What do these verses say about how we should go about living our lives? What does that mean to you? 

Have you ever thought deeply about what it means to be salt and light? Have you ever gone long periods of time without salt or light? It's hard to imagine because we have such easy access to both. Historically, salt and oil for light have been used as currency. That's how valuable they were to people. TALK about the correlation of our value to God and to others as it relates to salt and light. 

So how do we go? How do we share the power of God's story? Do you have a clear picture of God's story? Have you stepped into God's story? The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith gives a great picture of who God is if you want to dive deeper into that topic. EXPLAIN the difference between sharing a story and sharing facts. Why is there more power in the story? 

Let's LOOK at some other stories. REFLECT on each character, how they come to Jesus, how Jesus responds, and the power of the story as they go. DISCUSS in your small group.

  • READ Matthew 8:5-13 - a man with power and authority 
  • READ Mark 1:40-45 - a man riddled with disease and shunned
  • READ Luke 19:1-10 - a greedy man
So what's the power of your story? in light of God's story? intermingled with the stories of everyone in your small group? How does God work them all together for His good? 

SPEND some time praying together as a group thanking God for the beauty and power of His story. CELEBRATE your stories together. PRAY for His hand in the continuation of your stories that you may be salt and light in a dull and dark world.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

As You Go: A Fresh Look at SHARE

May 16/17, 2015

READ Matthew 28:16-20
What does evangelism mean to you? What does Jacob's Well mean by SHARE? What do you think of when you hear the term "The Great Commission?" We all have a preconceived notion of these meanings. Please CHAT with your small group about what these words mean to you and where those ideas came from.

* * * * *

At Jacob's Well, we are always talking about the commitments of WORSHIP, BELONG, GROW, SERVE, and SHARE. Many of us can admit that SHARE is often the commitment we let slide most often. It's just the easiest. When someone asks you if you're in a small group or your serving, it's a yes or no answer. Not too many people ask if you're sharing God's story with others. There's very little accountability with that commitment. It doesn't mean we're not sharing, but it's probably not as frequent as when we serve or get together with others.

So what does the Bible teach about living out the Great Commission? GO OVER each of these items with your small group. Why is each item important?

  • It begins with worship - v.17
  • Doubters welcomed - v. 17
  • Jesus gives the authority - v.18
  • Do it as you go - v.19
  • Make disciples - v. 19
  • Baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - v. 19
  • Teaching them to observe all I commanded - v. 20
  • I am with you until the end of the age - v. 20

What surprises you about these verses that you never noticed before? What makes you uncomfortable? How do these verses change your idea about the Great Commission?

* * * * *

ASK yourselves these questions in your group. What does it mean to call people to a faith relationship in Jesus? Pastor Paul spoke over the weekend about being called to boldness and intentionality. What is your current idea of bold and intentional? Does that fit your personality? What if bold and intentional can also look like friendly and inviting? What if it's less like a cold call and more like a relationship? 

REREAD Matthew 28:16-20 with fresh eyes. PRAY for God to prepare your heart for His next steps for your life. PRAY for wisdom and courage as you go. PRAY for those you know who need Jesus.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A New Name

May 9/10, 2015

READ Luke 8:1-3
What was Mary Magdalene like before she found Jesus? Scripture says she was possessed by seven demons, but let's imagine what that would look like. DISCUSS with your group:
  • What would her behavior maybe have been like? 
  • How did she speak? 
  • How did she dress? 
  • To whom did she relate with? 
  • What would her attitude have been like? 
It's important to understand what she was like before she met Jesus to understand how great her transformation was after she began to follow Him. Jesus was someone, maybe even the first person, who valued her and allowed her to Be-loved. He spoke to her, looked her in the eye, found the best in her so that she could find the best in herself. He forgave her, and she could let go of her past. There was nothing she could do to make Him love her more. There was nothing she could do to make Him love her less. Beloved.

READ John 19:25
We can see in this one verse that Mary Magdelene didn't just follow Jesus, but she followed Him right up to the cross. Many of His disciples didn't even make it that far. We can sense her desperation in this verse. Women in this day and location didn't have rights. They depended on parents or a spouse to take care of them. She not only didn't have family or a marriage to fall back on, she had a questionable background that would have kept her at a distance from most people. Jesus had given her hope to rise above all of those limitations, and now He was gone. She didn't want to go back to who she used to be, but she didn't know how to go forward without Jesus.

  • Have you ever felt that alone?
  • Have you ever been that desperate?

READ John 20:1-16
And so Mary Magdelene was out walking to the tomb in the dark of the night. Had she slept at all in the past couple of days? How great was her despair? What drew her to the tomb of Jesus? What questions were going through her mind as she came upon the open tomb? Could the others help find the body of Jesus? And then, when the others simply gave up and went home, the layers of despair were overwhelming and she began to weep.

Many of us have been in this place of being overwhelmed. THINK back on a time when life brought more than your coping skills could handle. SHARE with your group how you got to that place and how you were feeling.
* * * * *
And then He called her name. IMAGINE the shock and wonder and joy that she would have felt all at once. It's no wonder the first thing Jesus said to her was, "Do not cling to me." In other words, "I'm here but I'm not staying long." Instead, He gave her an errand. He sends her off to bring hope to others. 

Mary had hope again. She was still beloved. She didn't have all the answers, but Jesus still loved her. He was still alive, and she was still dear to Him.

  • Do you feel this way too? Do you have the sense that you're dear to Christ?
  • Do you feel that you have to earn His love?
  • Do you feel that you can lose His love by doing or saying the wrong thing?
  • Do you stop during the day to sense His love for you?

TALK with your group about where you're at on your journey. Is there someone in your group who needs to know that they are beloved? Precious? Cherished? 

TAKE a moment to pray together as a group. SIT for a moment. TAKE a deep breath. LISTEN for His voice. THANK Him for His love and His presence. FEEL His love for you. You are beloved!
 * * * * *
By giving her the new name Beloved, Jesus filled Mary Magdelene with joy and hope and sent her off to share it. We're called to do the same. When we're empty, we don't have any hope to share. REMEMBER to continue coming back to the presence of Jesus to be renewed. SEEK Him. READ His word. FEED your soul.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Consequences of Ideas: The Church and LGBT

May 2/3, 2015

READ Ephesians 4:1-2
PRAY as a group to that God's love and truth will co-exist in us and in the church. Together, may we speak truth in love with gentleness and with all humility.

Take Time to Discuss:

Many say the discussion about LGBT is a simple issue is this true? What are some of the aspects of this topic that makes it so difficult?

Embracing an attitude of humility will help in dealing with people with same sex attraction and gender confusion, especially if these are issues with which we have never personally struggled. What questions in regard to these issues do you have?

Do you know people who are LGBT?  How has this impacted your relationship with them?

Do you think it is possible to be in a relationship with a person who is LGBT even if you believe that LGBT behaviors are outside God’s will?

Would you be willing to walk with people who are struggling with same sex attraction or gender confusion?

READ Romans 1:24-2:1
How does Paul use this passage of Scripture to show that we all are in danger of God’s judgment and need his mercy and forgiveness? Notice how he uses the words “They” and “You.”

What would you say to the claims “Christians are judgmental” or “Christians put homosexual sin in a special sin category?” 

How has your use of humor about LGBT behaviors or even outright bullying added to the perceptions that "Christians hate gays?" What needs to change in you for God to use you to be a friend to someone struggling with gender confusion or same sex attraction?

READ James 1:19; Jude 1:3-4
Many Christians are reacting to the LGBT debate by becoming afraid or getting angry. Others are giving in to the pressure of popular culture and endorsing LGBT lifestyles and gay weddings. What is your natural tendency to react regarding the LGBT issue? 

How should Christians respond to the aggressive LGBT lobby?

READ 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
What would it look like for our church to respond to those struggling with same sex attraction and gender confusion with love?

How does the Jacob’s Well Vision guide us as a church as we seek to minister to people with complicated life situations like same sex attraction and gender confusion?

Wherever we are on our journey, 
we will take steps together 
to know and become like Jesus.

SPEND some time with your group discussing things you've learned over the past few weeks. What has God revealed to you about your own life? How has your heart changed about marriage and sexuality and the LGBT community? What's your next step?

Bonus: Watch the short Film called The Third Way: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church.  We should be clear that we are not endorsing the Catholic church and its doctrine but this short video does a good job showing the struggle many face with same sex attraction and the healing that is possible. The people in this video found healing in Jesus through the Catholic Church. What would it take for people to experience this type of healing at Jacob’s Well?

Further reading:
Gay Children Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing by Richard Cohen
Coming Out Straight by Richard Cohen
Out of a Far Country by Christopher Yuan & Angela Yuan
Same Sex Marriage: A thoughtful Approach to God’s Design for Marriage  
     by Sean McDowell & John Stonestreet
The International Healing Foundation
The Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity

next steps
  mother’s day services
auditorium         Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am
north venue       Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am

Calling all seasoned veterans, athletic newbies, and everyone in between! Want to play some softball on one of the Jacob’s Well coed softball teams this summer? NEW CO-ED TEAMS are forming now! Sign-up at or contact Matt Bartelt at 715.833.2050 or

DivorceCare is a DVD-based divorce recovery support group to find healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. Hear from leading experts on divorce and recovery. Learn how to overcome the challenges divorce brings and how to   rebuild your life. Don’t isolate yourself; come be part of a caring group who will take steps together toward wholeness. No need to sign up, just show up. Workbook cost is $16. THURSDAYS @6:30pm in the  Fireside Room. Contact Lauri Gulotta for more information at 715.833.2050 or

Did you know that we have parking available on the north side of the building? One of the simplest ways you can serve at Jacob’s Well is by parking in that area. This opens up spots in the front for those who are new here, have young children or special needs. Includes handicapped parking.

With record attendance, you may have noticed that the services are very full. Another way to serve simply is to scoot together during the messages. Sound awkward? Find a friend to sit with or make some new friends in the process.   

Invite a friend to church.