Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Consequences of Ideas: The Church and LGBT

May 2/3, 2015

READ Ephesians 4:1-2
PRAY as a group to that God's love and truth will co-exist in us and in the church. Together, may we speak truth in love with gentleness and with all humility.

Take Time to Discuss:

Many say the discussion about LGBT is a simple issue is this true? What are some of the aspects of this topic that makes it so difficult?

Embracing an attitude of humility will help in dealing with people with same sex attraction and gender confusion, especially if these are issues with which we have never personally struggled. What questions in regard to these issues do you have?

Do you know people who are LGBT?  How has this impacted your relationship with them?

Do you think it is possible to be in a relationship with a person who is LGBT even if you believe that LGBT behaviors are outside God’s will?

Would you be willing to walk with people who are struggling with same sex attraction or gender confusion?

READ Romans 1:24-2:1
How does Paul use this passage of Scripture to show that we all are in danger of God’s judgment and need his mercy and forgiveness? Notice how he uses the words “They” and “You.”

What would you say to the claims “Christians are judgmental” or “Christians put homosexual sin in a special sin category?” 

How has your use of humor about LGBT behaviors or even outright bullying added to the perceptions that "Christians hate gays?" What needs to change in you for God to use you to be a friend to someone struggling with gender confusion or same sex attraction?

READ James 1:19; Jude 1:3-4
Many Christians are reacting to the LGBT debate by becoming afraid or getting angry. Others are giving in to the pressure of popular culture and endorsing LGBT lifestyles and gay weddings. What is your natural tendency to react regarding the LGBT issue? 

How should Christians respond to the aggressive LGBT lobby?

READ 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
What would it look like for our church to respond to those struggling with same sex attraction and gender confusion with love?

How does the Jacob’s Well Vision guide us as a church as we seek to minister to people with complicated life situations like same sex attraction and gender confusion?

Wherever we are on our journey, 
we will take steps together 
to know and become like Jesus.

SPEND some time with your group discussing things you've learned over the past few weeks. What has God revealed to you about your own life? How has your heart changed about marriage and sexuality and the LGBT community? What's your next step?

Bonus: Watch the short Film called The Third Way: Homosexuality and the Catholic Church.  We should be clear that we are not endorsing the Catholic church and its doctrine but this short video does a good job showing the struggle many face with same sex attraction and the healing that is possible. The people in this video found healing in Jesus through the Catholic Church. What would it take for people to experience this type of healing at Jacob’s Well?

Further reading:
Gay Children Straight Parents: A Plan for Family Healing by Richard Cohen
Coming Out Straight by Richard Cohen
Out of a Far Country by Christopher Yuan & Angela Yuan
Same Sex Marriage: A thoughtful Approach to God’s Design for Marriage  
     by Sean McDowell & John Stonestreet
The International Healing Foundation
The Institute for the Study of Sexual Identity

next steps
  mother’s day services
auditorium         Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am
north venue       Saturday 5pm - Sunday 9am - Sunday 10:45am

Calling all seasoned veterans, athletic newbies, and everyone in between! Want to play some softball on one of the Jacob’s Well coed softball teams this summer? NEW CO-ED TEAMS are forming now! Sign-up at or contact Matt Bartelt at 715.833.2050 or

DivorceCare is a DVD-based divorce recovery support group to find healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. Hear from leading experts on divorce and recovery. Learn how to overcome the challenges divorce brings and how to   rebuild your life. Don’t isolate yourself; come be part of a caring group who will take steps together toward wholeness. No need to sign up, just show up. Workbook cost is $16. THURSDAYS @6:30pm in the  Fireside Room. Contact Lauri Gulotta for more information at 715.833.2050 or

Did you know that we have parking available on the north side of the building? One of the simplest ways you can serve at Jacob’s Well is by parking in that area. This opens up spots in the front for those who are new here, have young children or special needs. Includes handicapped parking.

With record attendance, you may have noticed that the services are very full. Another way to serve simply is to scoot together during the messages. Sound awkward? Find a friend to sit with or make some new friends in the process.   

Invite a friend to church.

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