Sunday, May 24, 2015

As You Go: The Power of Story

May 23/24, 2015

READ Matthew 5:13-16
What do these verses say about how we should go about living our lives? What does that mean to you? 

Have you ever thought deeply about what it means to be salt and light? Have you ever gone long periods of time without salt or light? It's hard to imagine because we have such easy access to both. Historically, salt and oil for light have been used as currency. That's how valuable they were to people. TALK about the correlation of our value to God and to others as it relates to salt and light. 

So how do we go? How do we share the power of God's story? Do you have a clear picture of God's story? Have you stepped into God's story? The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith gives a great picture of who God is if you want to dive deeper into that topic. EXPLAIN the difference between sharing a story and sharing facts. Why is there more power in the story? 

Let's LOOK at some other stories. REFLECT on each character, how they come to Jesus, how Jesus responds, and the power of the story as they go. DISCUSS in your small group.

  • READ Matthew 8:5-13 - a man with power and authority 
  • READ Mark 1:40-45 - a man riddled with disease and shunned
  • READ Luke 19:1-10 - a greedy man
So what's the power of your story? in light of God's story? intermingled with the stories of everyone in your small group? How does God work them all together for His good? 

SPEND some time praying together as a group thanking God for the beauty and power of His story. CELEBRATE your stories together. PRAY for His hand in the continuation of your stories that you may be salt and light in a dull and dark world.

next steps
The Prayer Trail behind JW is OPEN for the summer. You can pick up a guide book at the welcome center or find one at one of the prayer points on the trail. It’s a beautiful & peaceful place to connect with God.

We want to thank everyone who’s made the North Venue their regular service! As we’ve done the past couple summers, we’re closing the North Venue beginning June 6/7 to accommodate summer attendance and family vacations. We appreciate your understanding and will open again in August.

Take a moment to send a note of appreciation to your small group members.

Celebrate Recovery is a proven Biblical recovery program for those struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Childcare possible. Join any time! Meets at JW North Venue on Tuesdays @6:30pm. Contact Lisa Wachsmuth with questions at 479.285.0408 or

DivorceCare is a DVD-based divorce recovery support group to find healing from separation/divorce. Don’t isolate yourself; come be part of a caring group who will take steps together toward wholeness. No need to sign up, just show up. Workbook cost is $16. THURSDAYS @6:30pm in the  Fireside Room. Contact Lauri Gulotta at 715.833.2050 or for more info.

Mark your calendars - SPLASH is August 9 this summer ON CAMPUS! Lunch and games for the kids will make this a family event you won't want to miss. If you or someone you know is interested in baptism as your next step, contact Chris Whetstone at 715.833.2050 or 

Interested in trying out a serve opportunity this summer? Find out more online at

Join in caring for NPH Honduras orphans. A team is traveling to Honduras June 14 & bringing 500 hand-sewn bags with them filled with supplies. Prayer, supply items, and monetary gifts are welcome. You can find a list of resources needed at the Welcome Center, or talk to the team at JW May 30/31. Contact Melissa Kopsell at 715.828.8214 if you have questions.

After the services on May 30/31, the overseers will be in the prayer room to pray with you and for you if you are in need of any kind of healing. We serve a God who is able to heal, and we will join you in asking Him for his healing touch on your life. We invite you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Join the Catholic Charities Post Adoption Resource Center for a FREE Trust-Based Parenting workshop on June 8 from 9:30am-12:30pm at Jacob's Well. Sorry, no on-site childcare is available. Space is limited. Sign up by June 1. Christy Reppe can give you more info at 715.832.6644 x1517  or 

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